Gallery artist Christian Patterson is part of the group exhibition „Scrapbooks“, curated by Matthieu Orléan, at the Rencontres in Arles this year.
„I’II be showing one of my pandemic-era studio projects, Double Zero, which is a more archive- and research-based approach to the true crime story that inspired Redheaded Peckerwood. In Arles, it will take the form of a unique, site-specific installation of material from my personal archive and collection. While some of the installation has been planned, a lot of it will be made in an extemporaneous, scrapbook-like way, directly onto the walls of the space. Artists in the show include Stan Brakhage, William S. Burroughs, Derek Jarman, Jim Jarmusch, Jess, Stanley Kubrick, Chris Marker, Agnes Varda and Jane Wodening. It’s an amazing group of artists, and I feel very lucky to be part of it.“ (Christian Patterson)
3 July – 24 September 2023
10:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Espace van Gogh, Arles
„The images seen here were created for the exhibition catalog; the show will be more layered and dynamic. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the catalog, which has been published by Delpire and will be available at the festival and at a book signing with Matthieu Orléan and myself.“ (Christian Patterson)
@christian.patterson @matthieu_orlean @rencontresarles @delpireandco @librairiedupalais